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The Merchant of Venice
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Hunter Graves
South Green
Friday, May 5th
Saturday, May 6th
Thursday, May 11th
Friday, May 12th
Saturday, May 13th
All at 6:00pm


Production Staff
Director - Hunter Graves
Stage Manager - Emily Mongold
Assistant Stage Manager - Maya Chester Ziv
Production Manager - Melissa Glazar
Technical Director - Miguel Barajas
Props Master - Zach Hearn
Makeup Artist - Annie Gawroniak
Costumes Designer - Grayson Ziegler
Hair Artist - Anna Smith
Publicity - Elizabeth Albera
Shylock - James DiStefano
Jessica - Jen Lohrius
Antonio - Silas Wheedleton
Bassiano - Nico Galloway
Gratiano - Paul Tudan
Lorenzo - Kevin Johnson
Gobbo - Stephen Humphrey
Portia - Corinne McMahon
Nerissa - Samantha Fitzgerald
Solanio - Grace Woodruff
Salarino - Deirdre McCarrick
Princes A & M - Jeff Kappers
Duke - Halim Hamroun
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