We produce two shows each semester. This semester, we still have auditions for The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime and Tick Tick Boom! All auditions will take place in Perkins 310.​
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
Wednesday, December 4th - 8:00-10:00pm
Friday, December 6th- 6:00-8:00pm; In Perkins 310
Find Audition Monologues HERE!
Wednesday, February 12th - 7:00-9:00pm
Thursday, February 13th - 9:00-11:00pm; In Perkins 310
Find Audition Monologues HERE!​
If you can’t make it to the auditions, there is an online option!
Nothing has to be memorized
Auditions are in Perkins 310. Go to the third floor of Perkins Student Center and look for the proctor, who will be sitting at a table and will walk you through the process
You may receive material beforehand to review, particularly if auditioning for a musical
If you can’t make it to callbacks, let the panel know, and you will be given instructions for recording a virtual callback
Callbacks take a long time. ​You may not have to be there for the whole time, but you should be prepared to stay.
This information comes from Gianna Sacca, the production coordinator during the 2022-2023 academic year. For her full guide, go here.
Have more questions? Contact the current Production Coordinator, Nat Bauder at nbauder@udel.edu.